If you’re reading this you’re probably wondering why I even have a privacy policy! Well, I thought you might want to know. This is something more blogs should have. Here’s this site’s privacy policy:

The following data (numbers 1 through 3) is collected by both this website and by third parties. Any third parties I list may also receive any of this data:

  1. Non-personal tracking, demographic, and usage data, which involves the use of Google Analytics (third party) and cookies. I use this to optimize and measure the site experience. I’m considering adding Quantcast (third party) and may do so at any time.

  2. Any data (including personal data) that you volunteer when you sign up for the email newsletter. You may unsubscribe from the newsletter by following the instructions at the bottom of each email. I use a third party service, Mailchimp (third party), to manage my newsletter.

  3. Any data (including personal data) you volunteer when you submit the contact form (Google Docs, third party), or post a comment through Disqus (third-party).

I reserve the right to use third party affiliate links at any point.

You can turn off the use of cookies at any time by changing your specific browser settings.

I am not responsible for any of the information posted in our comments.

Your data will not be sold or given to third parties without your consent. Your data is shared with companies that perform services for this website: newsletters, comments, data collection, and the contact form.

There are no security measures used to protect your data, except those measures implemented by third party services. I’m not responsible for the privacy policies of websites or applications that this site links to.

This privacy policy is subject to immediate change without notice and was last updated on November 18, 2013. If you have any questions feel free to contact me through my contact form, or by email at bc@brianchu.com.

I write posts occasionally. Leave your email here and I’ll keep you updated!